If you have bats in your home or building, they are female bats. Just female bats form nests, and they go into a home or structure so that they will have a location to have their babies. To know more details visit bat control in Rochester Hills, Michigan.

Maternity roosts

When the weather gets warmer, usually in early summer, pregnant female bats gather together in warm, safe places to have their babies. These roosts are called maternity roosts. Some groups of bats return to the same site every year.

Dates For Maternity Season

The exact dates of bat maternity seasons in the U.S. vary according to the environment. By the end of the bat maternity season, all of the puppies born in the spring will be able to fly, and they will no longer be left in the roost at night while the mothers feed.

Little Brown Bat (Myotis) Maternity Season: June 1 – August 15
Big Brown Bat Maternity Season: June 1 – August 15
Mexican Free Tail Bat Maternity Season: May 20 – August 10
Evening Bat Maternity Season: April 20 – July 15

A bat’s pregnancy lasts between six and nine weeks. The length of the pregnancy depends on the species and can be influenced by weather, climate, and availability of food. Bats usually give birth to a single baby (called a pup) each year. They keep their babies close and nurture them carefully. The young bats are suckled by their mothers for four to five weeks until they are old enough to fly. They then begin to venture out from the roost to forage for food.

Safe Elimination

Eliminating bats from a house or structure involves installing exemption gadgets at the bat entry points. Just the adult bats fly out at night; therefore, the elimination works only on the adult bats.

Pay Attention To Your Timing

There are several reasons why you need to never get rid of bats during the maternity season. If you eliminate bats during the maternity season without a unique permit, then you can be prosecuted and greatly fined.

Another reason why you should not remove bats throughout the maternity season is that it is inhumane. The infants are not able to get food throughout the maternity season because they can not fly.

A few of the mom bats may be relentless in their look for another method into your home or structure to get to their babies. They might get in through gaps or fractures that might have been missed out on when setting up the exemption gadgets. They might also try getting in through open doors and windows, and gain entry to the living or workspace of the house or structure. The trauma of having a nest of mother bats hurry through your open door frantically looking for their children is not something you want to experience.

Baby Security

As the infants will be starving, they are most likely to crawl down walls and into the living areas of the structure. As they are searching for food, they might end up spread out all through your house or structure. Many bat colonies contain a minimum of perhaps 40 female bats, which implies 40 children, as each mom will have one puppy per season.


Does one bat in the house mean more?